Our Products

PNR SERVICES LTD has tie up with leading Indian Manufacturing Companies to supply quality drilling equipment in Tanzania in Uganda. PNR SERVICES LTD supply and install high quality India Mark II and Extra Deep Well hand pumps.

Our dedicated pump Installation team takes every care to make sure the pump run for a long time. Also, we train the villagers to maintain the hand pump and build the capacity of the local communities. We are the choice of the customers not only for drilling needs but also for hand pumps.

PNR - India Mark II Hand Pumps

PNR SERVICES LTD supply and install high quality India Mark II and Extra Deep Well hand pumps. Our dedicated pump installation team takes every care to make sure the pump run for a long time. Also, we train the villagers to maintain the hand pumps. With reliable supply of genuine hand pump spares, we are the choice of the customers not only for drilling needs but also for hand pumps.
India Mark – II Hand Pump is divided into four main assemblies

Head Assembly

Pump Head Assembly (above ground mechanism) consists of Head with Inspection cover, Third plate, Handle, Water chamber and stand.

Cylinder Assembly

Cast Iron Body painted outside and lined from inside with seamless Brass liner at 63.5mm I.D., Gun-metal valve components and Nitrile rubber components. Discharge capacity is 15 liters @ 40 strokes per min.

Connecting Rod

12mm dia mild steel electro galvanized, in three meter lengths with hexagonal coupling of both the ends.

Riser Pipe (Drop Pipe)

32mm N.B., G.I. Medium pipe in three meters length with a socket at one end.


Simple Installation of India Mark-II Hand pump, when installed properly, gives very long uninterrupted service. For step installation procedure and other details, please refer to our installation and Maintenance Manual.

Salient Features of INDIA MARK – II Hand pump

PNR - NIVASExtra Deep Well

India Mark – II Extra Deepwell handpump are manufactured as per Bureau of Indian standards Specs: viz. 13287/92 capable of lifting water upto 90 meters setting depth.

Hammers& Bits

PNR SERVICES LTD as an authorized dealer of KLR INDUSTRIES LTD, supply high quality Hammers and Bits in Tanzania. We have good numbers of DTH Hammers in stock with size of 6” and 8”, bits of size varying from 140mm to 450mm.We offer sales and after sale services of our products and customer satisfaction is guaranteed.